Blades Trail Race

DATE: Sunday, Mar. 16, 2025 @8:15AM

LOCATION: Pocomoke, Maryland

Nature will love you for this

Green Trails for Miles! All the laurel, pine trees, & moss one can see will result in nothing less than a green occasion. Combat those blue feelings of waiting another 11 months for the Algonquin 50k by hopping over the Pocomoke River & running its baby brother. Grab the sword by the hilt & run it!

Very Important: Due to limited parking space on Blades Road & around the race location, please plan on carpooling.

  • To reduce crowds & save time on race day morning, please make every effort to pick up your bib number/packet pre-race. You can have someone pick up your bib for you.

    Packet Pickup
    Location: Dockside Bar & Grill, 2 Riverside Dr., Pocomoke, MD 21851
    Time: 4:00 pm -7:00 pm

    Race Location:
    Hudson-Tarr Tract, Pocomoke State Forest, Blades Road, Pocomoke City, MD 21851. Located off of Rt. 113 South, between Pocomoke & Snow Hill. Blades Road is approximately one mile south of Shad Landing Pocomoke River State Park. Turn at Hudson Auto Body.

    Race Day packet pickup 7:15 am - 7:45 am (Again, please make every effort to utilize the Saturday pickup option).

    Race Start 8:15 am
    Cutoff: The final cutoff time for the 10 miler is 3 hours.

    There will be one aid station. This is a cupless race. You should use your OWN cup, water bottles, hydration belt or vest for hydration.

  • Hudson-Tarr Tract, Pocomoke State Forest, Blades Road, Pocomoke City, MD 21851.

    Located off of Rt. 113 South, between Pocomoke & Snow Hill. Blades Road is approximately one mile south of Shad Landing Pocomoke River State Park. Turn at Hudson Auto Body.

  • Spray painted arrows on the ground, logs or sticks may also be used as arrows to direct you or block side trails, signs, caution tape low to the ground to "block" where you should not go, and small green construction flags on that right side of the trail.

  • Let a volunteer know, give them your bib, & check in with a race director at the finish area.

  • Check eBay. Actually, just notify us afterwards. Do not leave anything on the trails. Any items not claimed in 30 days will be donated or thrown into a bonfire.

  • We plan to race in rain, snow, sleet &/or very cold/hot conditions. Only a force majeure which makes EMS, aid station & support staff unable to function & making it too dangerous to drive will be cause for cancellation. In the event of a cancellation, no refunds or credits will be applied to future events.

  • We will publish the results as soon as possible both on the FB page and on

  • It's possible because there are sections of the trail that cross small creeks. However Algonquin's little brother is usually dry.


    • No bib transfers or bandits

    • Bib numbers should be visible at all times

    • No littering. Pack in, pack out.

    • Runners should stay on the established course

    • Runners who drop out should turn in their bib to the first ALQ crew member and should make their way to an aid station to be picked up

    • No pacers, but runners may have friends and/or family run with them from the end of the Algonquin trail to the finish line

    • No deferrals

    • No refunds

    • No dogs for runners

    • No early or late starts

    • Runners’ crews may meet and assist runners only at aid stations. Assistance could include food, fuel and other items the runner could use.