About Algonquin Ultras
Here’s the story…
Mud or blood? The choice has always been difficult. It hurts no matter what.
Algonquin Ultras started with the original Algonquin 50K, “The Longest 50K on the Eastern Shore”, at least that is what we like to call it.
The inaugural race took place on Feb. 11, 2017, at 7 am, and what an epic race it was! There was a lot of sand, sweat, water, and briars. Everyone was racing to either beat the competition or beat the clock before it turned 8:00:00. The runners, volunteers, the rangers, the equestrian teams, and the sponsors all made this race a huge success.
We then created other races on Delmarva… one inspired by Bacon and Scrapple… one inspired by a desire to show off the trails at Tuckahoe State Park and one driven by the insane idea of running a 5k every hour for 24 hours… We look forward to continuing to find creative ways to introduce people to the trails of Delmarva.
Here’s Trent…
You’re the race director of The Algonquin 50K, the first race in the Algonquin Ultras. Why did you start it? Did you foresee the growth that followed?
I find it interesting that the first real race we put on as an organization was The Algonquin 50k in 2017. We really organized it because we loved the trail and the remoteness of it all. We had no idea it would take off and have such an insane following. One of the coolest things was seeing a handful of people sign up on the first day of registration. We were trying to downplay the flooded trails and the muddy terrain the first year… then we learned to embrace it. I never really had planned for it to go on for this many years, but we are blessed to have a great crew, amazing volunteers and a growing tour of trail runners on Delmarva that all add fuel to the fire. Mud, briars, snowbombs, Goatman, cake, mugs, pickle juice, sandy beaches and cold flooded trails all make for a wonderful running experience.